"Cage the badger and he will try to break from his prison and regain his native hole. Chain the eagle to the ground - he will strive to gain his freedom, and though he fails, he will lift his head and look up at the sky which is home - and we want to return to our mountains and plains, where we used to plant corn, wheat and beans."

-- Written by a Navajo in 1865

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Today is Saturday, well Sunday. But Saturday in my mind.... :) I am currently blogging at 12:31 (becaauuuseeee I do not want to go to sleep and let all of the genius of my day get muddled in my dreams)...
We woke up and I had a hot chocolate (like a G.)
Then we got on the bus and drove to the Taos Pueblo, where Hayley and I walked around in our matching cowgirl hats and aviators. (tools? I think NOT!)

We took a guided tour of the Pueblo and it was crazy to see how different the architecture was compared to New Jersey. The most interesting part about the tour, I thought, was the fact that people actually lived in the area we were touring. I tried to imagine what it would be like if I looked outside my window and just saw a group of people taking pictures in my backyard. I feel like my dad would just call the cops... because isn't that called a Peeping Tom or something? (Sketttchhhyyy...). 

It was really amazing to see the different shops, (and to buy things.. :D), and really get a sense of how the people there made their living. We then drove back to Los Alamos (where we are now).
On the bus, Hayley and I successfully consumed an entire bag of Cheese Puffs, a good amount of York Peppermint Patties and a strange amount of chips. ...

We walked over to the pizza place next to our Hampton Inn, and I met a very charming young man named James who was working there (JAMES! I HOPE YOU ARE READING MY BLOG!!!)....I gave James the link to my blog ;) 

ACTUALLY, I doubt he found me very appealing, after watching me inhale about my body-weight (which is rapidly increasing by the hour...) in BBQ Chicken and Bacon pizza, drink a small child's weight in Diet Dr. Pepper. (Yes, Diet... I'm watching my figure), and spit a little.. .okay.. a lot all over Jess in the midst of one of my giggle fits. 

We went to the Reel Deal movie theater right after pizza. annndd while waiting for Pirates of the Caribbean 4 *On Stranger Tides* (about Jack's search for the Fountains of Youth... I guess so they can continue making movie sequels without him needing to resort to using one of those remote scooters they have in Walmart.. you know the ones that have the beepbeepbeep when they back up)
Well, at the theater (or in the bathroom of the theater) I got a bloody nose...

Well, no. It was more like a scene from the Exorcism. I just got up to blow my nose, and all of a sudden, I look down at my hands, and I swear, the Red Tide was spilling from my face (Imagine the Niagara Falls, and the Saw Movies 1,2,3,and 4)... and then there is me, in my cowboy hat (yes. I wore it to the theater.. you know how gosh darn sunny it can be in the movie theater at night time..) and my 3D glasses(No, I did not take them off..), and there is just a big bloody strand of toilet paper stuffed in my nose, and dangling down to my hip. It was sexy, I must say. ... if only James could have seen. Maybe he would check out my blog (sighh..)

Some poor girl walked into the bathroom, saw me, and just turned around and walked out. .... (awwkkkwaaarrddd...) 
Ms. McGrover actually came to check on me to make sure I didn't get abducted by some New Mexican Movie Theater Gang (You know how those are) soo brownie points for being responsible! (yyayyyyy :D) <3 
But yes. So after I dealt with that fiasco, I went back to the movie theater. And fell asleep.
In the Theater. I'm pretty sure I snored a little..... .... 


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