"Cage the badger and he will try to break from his prison and regain his native hole. Chain the eagle to the ground - he will strive to gain his freedom, and though he fails, he will lift his head and look up at the sky which is home - and we want to return to our mountains and plains, where we used to plant corn, wheat and beans."

-- Written by a Navajo in 1865

Friday, May 27, 2011

Life is Good

Whoever came up with the brand of T-shirts with the logo "life is good" is a genius. Life is most definitely good; Santa Fe blue skies, Burritos galore, and Sun Light all around us. To top it off we had a personal Navajo weaving workshop given to us today. Joyce Begay Foss, a forefront Navajo artist sat down with us for two hours as we learned all about native weaving, ancestral significance, and life on Earth. As I walked through the main exhibit I found myself reading every Navajo poem in the museum. These poems resonated with me to a great extent. So great that one has remained in my head for the last six hours

"I am here, I am here now, I have been here always."

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