"Cage the badger and he will try to break from his prison and regain his native hole. Chain the eagle to the ground - he will strive to gain his freedom, and though he fails, he will lift his head and look up at the sky which is home - and we want to return to our mountains and plains, where we used to plant corn, wheat and beans."

-- Written by a Navajo in 1865

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Adventures of Nick Bilynsky...again?

The past couple of days leading up to today have truly been an experience that I will never forget. Ruth Roessel, Evelyn Anderson, and Andrew Bia were the kindest and coolest people I have ever met and the way they expressed their aura helped to make our time in the Navajo Reservation all the more fantastic. I learned a lot about the culture of the Navajo people through fun activities of storytelling, the baking of frybread (which by the way, is probably the best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life), and the hiking of the Canyon de Chelly on the day that the Navajo Nation celebrates its sovreignty. Sleeping in the Hogan was extremely fun except for the part where I was greeted by two creepy-crawlies when I woke up at 6:00 in the morning on our first morning at Ruth Roessel's compound. The night sky at the Reservation was just the most spectacular sight I have ever seen with millions of stars illuminating the night and every once in a while, I would see a shooting star fly by at unbelievable speeds. Also, I had a lot of fun playing ghetto wiffleball and ghetto soccer tennis, just as an afterthought (lol).
Canyon de Chelly was a great site to hike and explore the culture of the Navajo people. The views from the ridges of the Canyon were just beautiful and the walk itself helped to burn off calories from the tremendous amount of food that I have been eating (lol...again). The great thing is that about half way through the hike, we were able to take off our shoes and walk in the river which ultimately soothed the soreness of my feet.
Today, we drove for about 7-8 hours on a route that retraces the Navajo Long Walk which was relaxing and uneventful. I mostly listened to my tunes on my Ipod and read The Lost Hero on my kindle but I also talked to people...which is a good thing because it's never good to be antisocial. We met with one of Mrs.Bormann's personal friends and met with students from the Fort Sumner High School. They are really nice and very cool and I had an awesome time having burgers and chips and attempting to cook frybread, bacon, and coffee (which went okay, but not something that I would want to eat based off our final result). Altogether, it's been epic and I am going to be sad once this Unit is over. But, hey, it's something that I will look back on and smile about and I hope everyone will look back on our adventures and feel happy as well. Good Night! Cheers Amigos!!!
-Nick Bilynsky

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